To develop the most precise, data-driven proactive health monitoring platform, empowering individuals to take charge of their well-being with confidence and accuracy

At the forefront of innovation, our groundbreaking initiative aims to address health inequalities head on using a multi-disciplinary approach

We combine healthcare, infrastructure and cutting-edge technologies empowering individuals to take control in optimising their health

At the heart of our mission lies a scientifically driven platform which facilitates access to a full-suite of healthcare education and services

We are committed to providing access to and education in proactive and preventative healthcare measures, all scientifically validated and compliant with global healthcare standards

titanDX revolutionises global healthcare: pioneering predictive solutions and scalable innovations for an Ai-powered future

Proactive model of health monitoring

3 Ps Health Monitoring Model:


titanDx addresses the fundamental requirement for every individual, to be able to preserve and restore their health

Cutting-edge innovation

Our team at titanDx channel over 100 years of collective experience within diagnostics, healthcare, innovation, infrastructure, research and patient care

We have developed an organic, unique dataset, with proprietary capabilities that are creating live, real-time healthcare insights in order to educate and inform predictive health metrics

An agile and scalable model

titanDx provides a ‘plug and play’ solution designed to be both agile and scalable

High demand for accurate healthcare insights

AI in Healthcare market size in Europe was valued at USD 2.04 billion in 2020 and is forecasted to reach a market size of USD 50.42 billion by 2028

Demand for our technology includes individuals, government institutions, corporates with a strong push from the UK Government towards healthcare innovation, its supporting functions and the digitisation of health records

Market leader in holistic healthcare data

titanDx have developed an accurate, live and organic data collection method, which is supported by in-house clini-labs, fully compliant by healthcare regulations and standards

We are further developing, investing and scaling both our tangible and digital models, first being piloted domestically, with heavy interest from international entities

This allows us to make the best use of our expertise in the local and global healthcare market

3Ps in Health Management

  • Pioneering the analysis and integration of diverse biomarkers, such as HbA1c and microbiome profiles, to deliver personalised health insights
  • Developing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning frameworks tailored to our expansive datasets, delivering actionable health reports for proactive healthcare management
  • Empowering individuals through accessible and interactive health education, fostering informed choices and optimal well-being

Diagnostic Pathways

Health Mapping

Personalised Concierge

Offering diagnostics results for clinical diagnoses

Supporting differential diagnostic and prognostic patient monitoring

Various blood, body and other diagnostics testing panels

Accessible testing sites, same-day appointments available, scientifically verified analysis of results providing transparent health oversight

Producing data on an individual’s specific focus, or specific area of concern

Potential to increase patient throughput and reduce costs

Alongside a generalist profile of biomarkers which inform multiple aspects of wellbeing and health


Keeping people out of GP surgeries, keeping people out of hospital, preventative care.

Informing and reducing clinical admission rates, informing virtual care service requirements and preventative care pathways

GDPR-compliant anonymous analysis of challenges and solutions that can help institutional research in health, together with government decision-making.

Allows companies to monitor the efficacy of their products on their consumers, including predictive modelling on large data sets to determine potential market fit

GDPR-compliant opt-in personal health data mapping

Ai facilitated personal recommendation methodology,
driving a relevance engine dedicated to the individual

Ai-assisted personal health management

Treatment efficacy management and clinical modelling

Biomarker monitoring is available to clinical teams to monitor patient’s response to intervention therapies

Proactive and preventative education informing a functional pathway where your individual results are mapped to your body’s “normal”